Twen Permensar
Twen Permensar
A level-3 Soldier
with 4 save dice.
Expert in siege tactics and veteran of 4 campaigns. Primary skills are locksmith and range estimation.
Other children made fun of Twen for having dark skin. Often described as brainy and clumsy. Hired to find lost mother. Always wears silver.
Stats: ST:7; SK:4; IQ:8; HTK:31
Twen Permensar is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!
The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.
A level-3 Soldier

Expert in siege tactics and veteran of 4 campaigns. Primary skills are locksmith and range estimation.
Other children made fun of Twen for having dark skin. Often described as brainy and clumsy. Hired to find lost mother. Always wears silver.
Stats: ST:7; SK:4; IQ:8; HTK:31
Twen Permensar is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!
The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.
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