
A Character-a-Day

Introducing a new character every day for your role-playing uses.

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temporarily on hiatus

The computer is in the shop, along with the records of all the characters.

We'll post extras next week to make up for it. We promise.


Rhualym Fen'sderhen

Rhualym Fen'sderhen
A level-2 Wanderer “Wanderer with 5 save dice.
Once worked as a locksmith and studied O'landian magic. Primary skills are safecracking and cooking.
Rhualym ran away at age 8, but came home at age 13 after failing to find her fortune. Often described as mannish and cheerful. Seeking a reputation. Always offers to pay the tab.
Stats: ST:8; SK:8; IQ:5; HTK:35

Rhualym Fen'sderhen is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Ko Lorran

Ko Lorran
A level-3 Monk with 5 save dice.
Devoted to The Path of Sun and foucal is a maple leaf. Primary skills are gambling and military operations.
The slowest child around, Ko was often teased by other children. Often described as unsound and meek. On a religious quest. Travels solo.
Stats: ST:7; SK:6; IQ:9; HTK:37

Ko Lorran is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.

El Dirn

El Dirn
A level-3 Sage Sage Icon with 6 save dice.
Expert in bridge-building and chemistry. Primary skills are chariot driving and rope use.
When she was 16, a dispute between neighboring towns ended El's first romance. Often described as blundering and charitable. Haunted by a ghost. Scar on right cheek.
Stats: ST:8; SK:5; IQ:9; HTK:37

El Dirn is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Micj Ganannonoan

Micj Ganannonoan
A level-4 Knight Knight Icon with 4 save dice.
Preferred weapons are mace and spear. Primary skills are public speaking and court etiquette.
Micj loves to hunt, having been taught by his father at age 6. Often described as delicate and self-conscious. Looking for a sister who ran from an arranged marriage. Collects small metal objects.
Stats: ST:7; SK:8; IQ:4; HTK:39

Micj Ganannonoan is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Darbaes Ironspear

Darbaes Ironspear
A level-4 Shaman with 3 save dice.
Put to work in the family business tending sheep as soon as he could walk, Darbaes developed a strong work ethic. Often described as ugly and tight-fisted. Seeking instruction in Jicarilla cartography. Reveres ancestors.
Focuses beliefs on tribal strength and prays in dance. Primary skills are brawling and sign language.
Stats: ST:9; SK:7; IQ:7; HTK:41

Darbaes Ironspear is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Trannen Rheduinost

Trannen Rheduinost
A level-2 Barbarian Barbarian Icon with 6 save dice.
Preferred melee attack is a cunning draw and totem is a carved wooden falcon. Primary skills are carpentry and shadowing.
Force to leave school at age 13 after her father lost the family fortune. Often described as apt and trustworthy. Seeking instruction in dwarven cartography. Enjoys games.
Stats: ST:7; SK:6; IQ:8; HTK:44

Trannen Rheduinost is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Barkhar Bidgalug

Barkhar Bidgalug
A level-4 Monk with 8 save dice.
Devoted to The Path of Clouds and foucal is a shark tooth. Primary skills are stealth and business.
Barkhar always wears many layers of clothes, after almost freezing to death during a blizzard at age 11. Often described as forcible and philanthropic. On a religious quest. Can't look women in the eye.
Stats: ST:8; SK:6; IQ:8; HTK:45

Barkhar Bidgalug is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.



A level-4 Sage Sage Icon with 7 save dice.
Expert in metallurgy and Entallian coinage. Primary skills are sleight-of-hand and public speaking.
At age 7, most of her village succumbed to a mysterious disease. Often described as shifty and unprincipled. Hiding from the Cutlass Raiders. Rises before dawn to cook.
Stats: ST:7; SK:8; IQ:9; HTK:47

Immiqua is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.



A level-5 Knight Knight Icon with 8 save dice.
Preferred weapons are shortsword and lance. Primary skills are foraging and music. Khum managed to break both legs and both arms by age 13. Often described as annoying and self-assured. Retracing an ancestor's steps. Collects scrolls to try and feel smarter.
Stats: ST:9; SK:6; IQ:5; HTK:48

Khum is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Kezbahl Cuilyqir

Kezbahl Cuilyqir
A level-5 Fighter with 5 save dice.
Specializes in small-unit tactics and swords. Primary skills are economics and weather prediction.
At age 7, Kezbahl survived a flood that destroyed much of the town by climbing onto the roof. Often described as unstable but intelligent. Seeking sources of orcish beer and laughs at his own jokes.
Stats: ST:8; SK:7; IQ:8; HTK:50

Kezbahl Cuilyqir is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Kamthil of the Fens

Kamthil of the Fens
A level-2 Barbarian Barbarian Icon with 5 save dice.
Preferred melee attack is a blinding rage and totem is a carved bone ox. Primary skills are anatomy and trapcraft.
On his first trip to the market, Kamthil witnessed an honor duel in the square. Often described as bumbling and kind. Seeking revenge on orcish pirates. Awkward around the opposite sex.
Stats: ST:8; SK:6; IQ:5; HTK:51

Kamthil of the Fens is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Vak Sferneswad

Vak Sferneswad
A level-2 Barbarian Barbarian Icon with 6 save dice.
Preferred melee attack is a mighty slash and totem is a carved wooden frog. Primary skills are bribery and hide-tanning.
Vak developed a childhood fascination for watching clouds for interesting patterns. Usually described as vapid and irritable. Seeking best sources of silk but terrified of spiders.
Stats: ST:9; SK:5; IQ:8; HTK:54

Vak Sferneswad is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Delvoen the Collector

Delvoen the Collector
A level-5 Duelist with 8 save dice.
Delvoen's father had an extensive knife collection. Trying to prove worthy of knighthood. Likes to climb trees. Often described as beefy and loose-lipped.
Typically engages in honor battles and trained in the Spinwander dueling style. Primary skills are heraldry and juggling.
Stats: ST:9; SK:8; IQ:7; HTK:78

Delvoen the Collector is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Asoror Rheduinmhil

Asoror Rheduinmhil
A level-1 Fighter with 2 save dice.
Specializes in escorting nobility and concealed weapons. Primary skills are history and forestry.
Asoror was often teased by other children for being clumsy. Often described as greasy and pushy. Searching for a kidnapped child. Always wears a wide belt.
Stats: ST:7; SK:5; IQ:7; HTK:11

Asoror Rheduinmhil is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Varthang Rheruinair

Varthang Rheruinair
A level-4 Missionary with 5 save dice.
Proselytizes freedom and love. Primary skills are running and reading lips.
At age 10, Varthang barely escaped a flood that claimed most of the village. Normally described as fidgety and wise-cracking. Wants to reunite a divided family. Very tall.
Stats: ST:5; SK:8; IQ:7; HTK:18

Varthang Rheruinair is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Dhun Sar

Dhun Sar
A level-1 Artisan with 2 save dice.
Typically works in paper and and sells from a traveling wagon. Primary skills are boxing and topography.
Usually described as hardy and spontaneous. Following several encounters with the opposite sex at a young age, Dhun garnered quite a reputation around the local villages. Seeking instruction in Entallian languages Wears glasses.
Stats: ST:6; SK:8; IQ:7; HTK:18

Dhun Sar is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Doillan the Nodding

Doillan the Nodding
A level-2 Courtier with 6 save dice.
Court expert on construction and taxes. Primary skills are brawler and surveillance.
Doillan never learned to read, but speaks smatterings of four different languages. Often described as tightly-wound and over-dressed. Trying to escape a reputation. Always offers to share a drink.
Stats: ST:8; SK:9; IQ:5; HTK:19

Doillan the Nodding is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Asorf Symob

Asorf Symob
A level-2 Pirate with 3 save dice.
Prefers to fight with daggers and favors rubies. Primary skills are rigging and gymnastics.
Forced to help his mother at age 13, after his father died, Asorf developed an appreciation for hard work. Paid to find family heirloom. Always wears cape. Often described as ugly and fun-loving.
Stats: ST:6; SK:8; IQ:5; HTK:19

Asorf Symob is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Farl Xuh

Farl Xuh
A level-2 Mage with 6 save dice.
Favorite spells include flame blast and mental static. Primary skills are candlemaking and singing .
Following several encounters with the opposite sex at a young age, Farl garnered quite a reputation around the local villages. Often described as glassy-eyed and obsessive. Paid to look for lost signet ring. Always wears blue.
Stats: ST:6; SK:8; IQ:8; HTK:21

Far Jelkiqaf is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Swekiqar Jelkedsf

Swekiqar Jelkedsf
A level-2 Shaman with 1 save dice.
Focuses beliefs on rebuilding Entallia and prays in chants. Primary skills are research and gadgetry.
Swekiqar once broke a friend's arm while wrestling. Usually described as unsound and vengeful. Hiding from a criminal debt. Rises before dawn to pray.
Stats: ST:6; SK:4; IQ:8; HTK:23

Swekiqar Jelkedsf is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


Sol Voileshk

Sol Voileshk
A level-1 Thief with 3 save dice.
Primary skill is pick pockets and moves wares through an out-of-town sailor. Her other skills are artifact lore and throw.
During a dispute with the next village, Sol killed another young girl in a fight. Usually described as slick and laid-back. On a religious quest. Left-handed.
Stats: ST:9; SK:8; IQ:8; HTK:23

Sol Voileshk is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.