
A Character-a-Day

Introducing a new character every day for your role-playing uses.

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Bedg Jerstedsf

Bedg Jerstedsf
A level-5 Healer with 7 save dice.
Prefers to heal using prayer and salves. Primary skills are taxidermy and weaving.
Bedg has been fascinated by jugglers since the circus came through town years ago. Often described as inelegant and loud. Searching for father who was captured by slave raiders. Very short.
Stats: ST:6; SK:5; IQ:7; HTK:47

Bedg Jerstedsf is a new character for the World of Esaene. Look for a new character each day as we roll out the newest version of the Esaene role-playing system – a game and a world all rolled into one!

The World of Esaene is part of the BayonetGames family of great games at great prices.


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